Re: A new symbol for design (and font) protection
If akin to the copyright and publication symbol, it would be associated with the design rights holder and date, not the typeface name (which would still be associated with trademark). In that case, I…3 -
Re: AlphabetMagic. My first AI experiment
One can produce some quite lovely results if the target style leans on a kind of rough informality, e.g. Regretably, the model generates each letter individually, so there is no overall consistency a…1 -
Re: AlphabetMagic. My first AI experiment
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Re: What to do about Open Font License violations?
I can understand the economics of enforcing libre software licenses with clear copyright protection. The economic aspect that I wonder about is specifically that of a small font foundry that publishe…1 -
Re: What to do about Open Font License violations?
Thought: engagement with license violators re. OFL might be easier than engagement re. a commercial license, because of the perceived common good of the former, even though the grant-of-rights has ex…2